Mon - Sat: 8am-6pm

Mon - Sat: 8am-6pm



Make sure they are always safe

veterinarian microchipping orange cat
Did you know that about a third of all dogs and cats in the United States will go missing at some point in their life?
Or that only a small percentage of those who get lost ever find their way back home? Having your pet microchipped provides a permanent form of identification and boosts your odds of seeing them again if they ever get lost or are stolen. At Saltwater Animal Hospital, we perform pet microchipping in Des Moines and encourage you to consider this procedure for your furry best friend.
Did you know that about a third of all dogs and cats in the United States will go missing at some point in their life?
Or that only a small percentage of those who get lost ever find their way back home? Having your pet microchipped provides a permanent form of identification and boosts your odds of seeing them again if they ever get lost or are stolen. At Saltwater Animal Hospital, we perform pet microchipping in Des Moines and encourage you to consider this procedure for your furry best friend.
veterinarian microchipping orange cat

How Microchipping Works

A microchip is roughly the size of a grain of rice and contains nothing more than an identification number.

A veterinarian inserts the chip beneath the skin between the shoulder blades using a syringe in a process that feels similar to getting a shot. The identification number is then used to set up an online account containing your personal information, including your phone number and address.

If your dog or cat ever wanders off and ends up at a vet’s office, animal shelter, rescue, etc., an employee will use a handheld device to scan them for a microchip. Once the chip is detected, the device will display the identification number, which will then be used to look up your information. As long as the information in your account is correct, someone will contact you to let you know your dog or cat has been located and arrange your reunion.


Make sure you never lose your beloved friend

Microchipping takes just a few moments and could save you from years of heartache if your pet ever gets lost. To schedule an appointment for microchipping in Des Moines, please reach out to us today.


Make sure you never lose your beloved friend

Microchipping takes just a few moments and could save you from years of heartache if your pet ever gets lost. To schedule an appointment for microchipping in Des Moines, please reach out to us today.

We Treat Your Pet Like Family

Saltwater Animal Hospital provides pet microchipping for dogs, cats, small mammals, sugar gliders, reptiles and amphibians in Des Moines, Burien, Normandy Park, Federal Way, SeaTac, and the surrounding areas.
22014 7th Ave S, Suite 100, Des Moines, WA 98198

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(206) 580-4640

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Mon - Sat: 8am - 6pm

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(206) 580-4640

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Mon - Sat: 8am - 6pm

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